Friday, October 2, 2015

Gearing up for Dialysis~

        Today was an interesting day. I saw my Nephrologist at the dialysis center. I have seen him through the regular doctor appointments, but now he will see me at the dialysis center. We had a bunch of paper work to fill out. One paper, bright neon Red. My doctor asked, "Have you filled out one of these?" I shook my head no. He then asked "Have you ever seen one of these?" I shook my head again no. It was a form about how do I want to live at the end of my life. Do I want a DNR and those type of questions. Talk about being hit! I said I didn't want DNR, given that I'm healthy right now. He said we will change these later. Then the question came up of how long do I want to go on a feeding tube? I just grabbed a time in thin air and said 2 weeks. We can always change. He did write a notation I don't want prolonged life. Meaning if I had a serious stroke, and I have to have around the clock care and there is no prognosis I will get better, I want them to pull the plug.  Some of the questions I have never thought about and did get me thinking. it also asked me about who to put down to contact that will carry out my wishes. My mother is now 86 years old and getting of the age, I think this responsibility should go to someone else, and i will find someone local.

           After the heavy stuff, we filled out some easier forms and went over some blood work. It looks like in two weeks I will start dialysis in home. Next week I go for two more days of training.

             Then the great news! The doctor said it is ok to shower!! I will wash with anti-bacteria soap and when I bandage, I have a certain procedure that we will do. I did it again in the office.

               We are getting closer.

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